Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Off Topic

Open blog

A Blog open to discussion about any number of topics.

Remember our reputation and Keep it Clean .


  1. JohnJohn asked for it , so I figured we would give it a try for a while & see how it goes. Related news stories & humour I believe would fit in well here . Just please keep in mind , All political groups & opinions are welcome here .

  2. OK, I stole these and they were better on the original site (I'll look for a link):

    How many Obama cabinet members does it take to change a lightbulb?
    One. But it has to be a previous Clinton staff member to show them how it is done.

    How many George Soros/Move members does it take to change a lightbulb?
    None. It's Bush's fault the bulb is burned out.

    How many Guatananmo detainees does it take to change a lightbulb?
    Die Infedelll!!!!!

    How many Democrat Congressmen does it take to change a lightbulb?
    None, it's only burned out on the Republican Side.

    Run with it.....

  3. How much of the Justice Department does it take to change a light bulb? Pardon me, do you have a dim bulb Holder?

  4. Well Google finally decided to play nice and let me log on. We'll see how well my editted profile works. Glad to be here!

  5. Great to have you mark ! This kindlin is going from smoke & smolder to low heat dont ya think ....

  6. While touring the detention center in Gitmo, Eric Holder was accidently bumped into a muslim extremist. The Extremist, realizing his clumsiness, instantly started asking forgiveness and a thousand pardons.

    Attorney General Holder signed each and every one of them.

  7. Presidant Obama yesterday said he sympathized with the families of terror victims yet, in the same breath, expressed concern that the Gitmo detainees may not be given a fair trial. Can you imagine that!!!!

    Imagine your sixteen year old daughter is a victime of date rape on her prom night. The Police have the perpetrator in custody and your mayor, while trying to show compassion to you, asked you to remember that the perpetrator still deserves a fair trial. This hack is amazing. I understand the need for a politician to please both sides. But we are talking victims and terrorists here.

    It hasn't even been a month since inauguration. See you in DC!

  8. A husband and wife, both liberals, are walking in Chicago enjoying the night life. Suddenly both are held up at gun point. Quickly, they relinquish all their money, wallet, purse, and jewelry and the mugger runs away. While making their statements to the police they both agree that the reason that they were mugged was because of the injustices of eight years of George Bush. Promptly they agree to set up a goverment fund for midnight basketball.

    On the same night, in Chicago, a conservative suburban couple are also enjoying the Chicago nightlife. Suddenly a mugger approaches demanding all their money. BANG. The mugger drops dead, and the conservative couple continue with their plans.

    That very same night, in Chicago, a southern conservative, only visiting on business, and with his daughter are leaving a restuarant. Suddenly they are accosted by a mugger. BANG...BANG,BANG,BANG,BANG,BANG....sounds of reloading....BANG,BANG,BANG,BANG,BANG,BANG...... daughter compliments father on grouping.
